पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय Achārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi:
Marriage consists in taking a woman for wife. The marriage of others is ‘paravivāha’. Bringing about or effecting the marriage of persons who do not belong to one's family is the first transgression. The rest are self explanatory. These are the five transgressions of the vow of continence or contentment with one's own wife.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 209.
1 or giving a maid in marriage. 2 A woman who cohabits with one other than her spouse is an unchaste woman (itvarī). The meaning of the suggix 'ka' is contemptible. Hence fituarikā' means a contemptible adulteress. 'Parigrhītā' is a married woman. 'Aparigrhītā' is a harlot without a husband. Parigrhītā and aparigrhītā mean a married woman and an unmarried woman. Ituarike and te parigrhītāparigrhīte mean a married adulteress and an unmarried harlot. Cohabitation with these constitutes two transgressions. Sexual enjoyment otherwise than in the generative organ is perverted sexual practice. The last is abnormal sexual passion. These are the five transgressions.
वास्तुक्षेत्राष्टापदहिरण्यधनधान्यदासदासीनाम् । कुप्यस्य भेदयोरपि परिमाणातिक्रमाः पञ्च ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (वास्तुक्षेत्राष्टापदहिरण्यधनधान्यदासदासीनाम् ) वास्तु-घर, क्षेत्र-धान बोने का स्थान या खेत, अष्टापद-सोना, हिरण्य-चांदी, धन-गौ, भैंस, घोड़ा आदि, धान्य-गेहूं, चना, चावल आदि, दास-नौकर-चाकर, दासी-नौकरानी, इनके (अपि कुप्यस्यभेदयोः) और कुप्य के दोनों भेद - रेशमी वस्त्र और सूती वस्त्र आदि इन सब के (परिमाणातिक्रमाः पञ्च) परिमाण के नियम का उल्लंघन कर देना, ये पाँच परिग्रह-परिमाणव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
187. Exceeding the limits set with regard to houses and land,