the works of Magha, Bhavabhuti, and Bhatta Narayana, the author of the Venisamhâra. He also quotes Kavirâja, who may be the same as that mentioned by Rajasekhara as a poet belonging to the Vâyâvara family. That he belongedo Kaśmira is evident from the statements of Sahadeva, the earliest commentator of Vamana's Kavyalankarasutravștti, that the study of Vâmana's work had fallen in desuetude and that Bhaçta Mukula procured from somewhere a ms. of the work and revived its study, Sahadeva heard the work from Bhatta Mukula, who seems to be the same as the author of the Abhidhamåtrkâ and the preceptor of Pratihâra Indurâja, the commentator on Udbhatålankarasarasangraha. The commentator Sahadeva, moreover, mentions at the end of his commentary his leaving Kâbmîrz. The rhetorician Vamana is, thus, posterior to Magha (latter half of the 7th century A. D.) and Bhavabhuti (first quarter of the 8th century A. D.). Vamana is quoted by Anandavardhana (about 857 to 084 A. D.) in his Dhvanyaloka and by Rajasekhara (about 880 tv 910 A. D.) - his Kavyamimânsa. Thus it follows that the rhetorican Vanjana must have lived between the latter half of the 8th and the first quarter of the 9th century A. D. This date agrees with that which we have assigned to the author of tue Lingâuukisan
The religion of Vâmana.—The absence of Mangala in the Katika has been taken to indicate that Vâmana was not orthodox and the use of the Chandra and Jainendra gramniars tend to show his heterodox tendencies. In his Kâyyâlankârasútravịtti a salutation is maue to no particular deity but to the great lustre. In the present work, however, he makes a salutation to Siddha, who is described as one who has desisted from all action and who has composed scriptures
1 वेदिता सर्वशास्त्राणां भट्टोऽभून्मुकुलाभिधः ।
लब्ध्वा कुतश्चिदादर्श भ्रष्टाम्नायं समुद्धतम् । काव्यालङ्कारशास्त्रं यत्तेनैतद्वामनोदितम् । असूया तन्न कर्तव्या विशेषालोकिभिः क्वचित् ॥ आकर्ण्य भवतः तस्माद्दयितस्य विधीयते । विवृतिः सहदेवेन वामनीयस्य सम्प्रति ॥ चतुर्दशानामपि यः प्रसिद्धो विद्यास्थितीनां परपारदृश्वा । शशाङ्कपूर्व धर इत्युदारं यन्नामलोके नितरां प्रसिद्धम् ॥ १॥ तदीयशिष्यः सहदेवनामा कुले प्रसूतः खलु तोमराणाम् । व्याख्यामिमा काव्यविचारशास्ने व्यवत्त लघ्वीमिह वामनीये ॥ २ ॥ काश्मीरदेशादपसर्पतो मे शब्दानुशुद्धिं त्रिमुनि निशम्य । अवाप्तसिद्धेवरुणात्मजस्य प्रयोजकोऽभूदिह पद्मनाभः ॥ ३ ॥