अध्याय -7
even if not involved in sensualities, really indulges in them. This is akin to a person performing certain acts but, in reality, is not responsible for them. Note: Just as an assistant, on behalf of the owner of a business, performs all duties, but is neither the owner of the business, nor shares its profit or loss. In the same way, the right believer, due to the absence of attachment etc., is non-indulgent, and the wrong believer, due to the presence of attachment etc., is indulgent.
ज्ञानी का स्व-पर विवेक - उदयविवागो विविहो कम्माणं वण्णिदो जिणवरेहिं। ण हु ते मज्झ सहावा जाणगभावो दु अहमॅक्को॥
जिनेन्द्रदेव ने कर्मों के उदय के फल अनेक प्रकार के बताये हैं। वे तो मेरे स्वभाव नहीं हैं। मैं तो एक ज्ञायक भाव हूँ।
The Omniscient Lord has enumerated various outcomes of the fruition of karmas. These outcomes are not my nature. I am just one, the knower.
राग पुद्गल कर्म है - पोग्गलकम्मं रागो तस्स विवागोदओ हवदि एसो। ण हु एस मज्झ भावो जाणगभावो दु अहमॅक्को॥