Buddhist Logie * attained its highest developinent in Kasmira, and it is very suggestive that many of the manuscripts of Nyayasara and its commentaries have been recovered from Kasmira or its neighbouring provinces. About 900 A. D. Saivism and Buddhism Hourished there side loy side, and Bhasarvajia who was a Saivite opened his work with a salutation † to Siva and ended it with the conclusion that sillvatioy I could be attained only by seciug Siva. Comments of the eighteen commentaries 9 on Nyāyasāra enu
lies on Nyanyasura, merated by Jaina writers some are noticed below :
1. Nyayabhusana the oldest commentary mentioned by Maladhari Rajasekhara and Gunaratua and quoted by the Buddhist sage Ratnakirti in lnis Apobasiddhi ( about 983 A. D.) and by the Jaina suge Jayasimha Suri in his Nyayatatparyadipika. No manuscript of it has yet been recovered.
2. Nyayukalika ly Jayanta named by Gunaratna in the Saddarsanasamuccayavritti ( 1409 A. D. ). No manuscript of it has yet been recovered.
3. Nyayakusumanjalitarka mentioned by Gunaratna in the Saddarsanasamuccayavritti ( 1409 A, D.). No manuscript of it has yet been recovered.
4. Nyayasaratika hy Vijnyasimha Gani. A manuscript of it has been recovered from Bikaneer (Vide S. R. Bhandarkar's Catalogue of mss. in the Deccan College, 1888, p. 58 ).
* Vide my “Iristory of the Medicval School of Indian Lagio."
NA TA! 11: qfå ut
FITFT EHITT: 1 feguati wafariga
#v acayavi ( Nyayasara, p. 1. )
#f dam fai (Nyayasara, p. 39 ). . Vidu Rajasekhara's Saddarzana-samuccaya and Gunaratna's Saddarxanakainuccizavritti.
Aho! Shrutgyanam