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kirti,* preceptor of Ratnakara Santi who lived about 983 A. D. + This is therefore the latest date that we can assign to Bhasarvajna. The earliest limit may be fixed at 650 A. D. when there lived tho the Buddhist logicinu Dharmakirti whose controversy about the fallacy of "100-erroneous contradiction" (fotrafwortti seems to have been referred to in the Nyayasara. On various other considerations I ain inclined to believe that Bhasarvajna lived about 900 A. D.
Ile appears to me to have been a native of Kasmira. His name, which is very peculiar, bears close resemblance to that of Sarvajamitra who lived in Kasmira about 750 A. D., of Sarvajnadeva $ who lived about 899 A.D., and of Bhagvaniu who lived in Guzerat about 600 A. D. Bhasarvajna flourished at a time when the
* Ratnakirti observes :- 14 PIAVì Haifecyü 854कार्याशेषवस्तुराशियहणप्रसजनमुनं तदभिप्रायानवगाहन फलं तथा हि तन्मते rufaa *Tata Taraf:
(Ratnakirti's Apohasiddhi edited by M. M. Iara Prasad Sastri, P.11). + Vide my "History of the Mulieval School of Indian Logic" published by the University of Calcutta, P. 140.
Dharmakirti observes :-faturafwortt for m : TTF #Wahits wisata i
( Nyayalıindlu edited by Peterson, P. 115 ). Bhasarvajna writes :-**7 danafuastafaarat facer sufwerttal a faitą fania utafafal T
fanta AITĘ feriaugina ATOUTTAą u grafiratua amat safe antifuraffa
( Nyayapura, P. 12). 1 Vide my edition of Sragdharastotram published in the Bibliotheca Iudica kerier, lutsoduction, P- XXX. § Vile my "History of the Medieval School of Indian Logic Pr. 13. a.
Vide my "History of the Mediuval School of Indiau Logie", p. 22.
Aho! Shrutgyanam