passages from the Bhagavadgita * is also from the Mahabharata | already quoted by Sankara in the Vedautabbusya.
Nothing is definitely known about the age in which Bhasarvajnu flourished or the country which he adorned by his birth. As the
reputed author of Nyayasara he is mentioned by the Bhasarrajnn, Jaintu sages Gunaratha t (1409 A. D. ) and Rajahis age and birth place. sckhara ** ( 1348 A, D. ) ft. During their times there
were alrendy eighteen commentaries on the Nyayusara. One of them is named Nyayabhusana which I believe to be identical with the work of samo namo quoted by the Buddhist sage Ratna
सुखमान्यन्तिकं यत्तद् बुद्धिपाहमतीन्द्रियम् ( Bhagavadgita
quoted in Vyayasara, P. 40 ). आत्मनो वै शरीराणि बइनि मनुजेश्वर । प्राप्य योगबलं कुर्यात् तै कलां महीं चरेत् ॥ भुञ्जीत विषयान् कश्चित् कैश्चिदुयं तपश्चरेत् ।
संहरेच पुनस्तानि सूर्य तेजोगणानिव ॥ ( Mahabharata quoted by Sankara in the Vedantabhasya and requoted in Nyayasara, P. 37 ).
* भासर्वज्ञप्रणीते न्यायमारेऽष्टादशटीकाः। तासु मुख्या टीका न्यायभूषणाख्या न्यायकलिका जयन्नरचिता न्यायकुसुमाञ्जलितर्कश्च ।
(Gunaratna's Salılarzana-vritti edited by Dr L. Sunli, l'. 94 ). भासर्वचो न्यायसारतर्कसूवधिधायकः । न्यायसाराभिधे तर्के टोका अष्टादश स्फटाः ॥
न्यायभूषणनाम्नी तु टीका तासु मिद्धिमाक । (Saddlilsinasamnccaya hny Maladbari Rajasekhara Suri pullished in the Yasovijaya Jaina graptbamala, Benares ;.
शरगगनमनुमिताब्दे ज्येष्ठामतीय धवल सप्तम्याम् । निष्पन्न मिदं शास्त्र श्रीलध्ये त्रोः सुखं तन्यात् ॥ . (Caturvimsatirabandu ly Maladhari Rajasekhara Suri. Prasasti).
Aho! Shrutgyanam