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5. Nyayasaratika by Jayatirtha. ( Vidc India office Catalogue, no. 213. 2412).
6. Nyayasurapudapujika by Vasudeva. A manuscript of it bas been recovered from Kasmira. ( Vide S. R. Bhandarkar's Catalogue of mss. in the Deccan college, 1885, p. 95. Another Manuscript of it written in Kasmiri character is to be found in the library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal bearing no. 1552. In the Opening lines *Vasudeva speaks of himself as the author of the work and in the colophon he is stated to be a native of Kasmira.
7. Nyayasaravicara by Bhatta Raghava. A manuscript of it dated t Saka 1174 or A. D. 1312 is contained in the library of the Queen's college, Beuares,
8. Nyayatatparyadipika by Jayasimha Suri printed in this volume. &c.
&c. The Nyayatatparyadipika is a very learned commentary referr.
* The opening lines of the Nyayasarispadapanjika run as foilows :
देवदेवमभिवन्दा भाखरं योगिहन्दहृदयकमन्दिरम् । वासुदेवविदुषा विरथते
न्यायसारपदनिका मया ॥ † The Nyayasaravicara ens as follows :
शके चम्सप्ततिसंख्यके शतैः शताधिकैरभ्यधिके व पञ्चभिः । विधातितमल बसूब वारैः
भूर्व विचार: परिमाधि राधयः॥ इति सारंगसुतवाहीन्द्रमियन्यायनिपुणतर्कविचारचतरमहराधविरचिते
न्यायमारविचारे हतीया परिषदः समाप्तः ॥ The varse may be interpreted to give Saka 1174 ( A. D. 1252) rSaka 1274 1352 A. D.),
Aho! Shrutgyanaml