Mahavira's preachings can be simple words:
(i) Abinsă, or non-injury.
(ii) Samyama, or control of the sense-organs. (iii) Seva, or service-the three corner-stones
which the great structure of Jainism is reared. Like a true saint, Muni Nyaya vijayaji here exhorts his fellow men to realise these three principal tenets of Jainism, and to put them into practice in their daily life, customs and manners. There is, therefore no bigotry in it, there is nothing sectarian about it, and there is nothing of provincialism in it. Jainism, thus, is a universal religion, and its character is more than national,-it is truly international. Any one practising these ideals is a real Jaina whether he calls himself
BARODA. 16th October 1932.
a Jaina or not, or whether he is in India, in Japan
or in America.
summed up
Lastly, I have to express my gratitude to Muni Nyayavijayaji for his kindness in entrusting me with the work of translating this important work in English, and for his trust in me,-an alien in point of religion. Indeed, I have had many opportunities of coming into close contact with this great soul, and I have learnt how to respect one who has embraced cheerfully all the miseries of life in order that others may enjoy happiness. A few such eminent saints-a few such torchbearers of light-will keep up the reputation of any country as the greatest home of piety, righteousness and virtue. I had much hesitation in undertaking this work, but to me Muni Shri's word is an order,
in three
Aho! Shrutgyanam
B. B.
(B. Bhattacharya)