but we know that two among them, Buddhism and Jainism, grew subsequently to be the most enduring and powerful of the Indian religious systems. Mahavira and Buddha played a very important part in inaugurating two new lines of thought, and thus their lives will always have a perennial interest for all Indians so long as there are Indians living on this soil.
'Che rigidity of the caste system, and the Brahms nical ascendanoy in the time of Mabavira, tended, in & great degree to drown the intellectual celebrities of rival sects, and to stifle independent thinking, coming from, what the Brahmanas considered to be the lower stratum of society. The Vratyas and others not belong. ing to the social system of the Brahmadas did not tolerate this, and they boldly proclaimed independence, with what result we all know. This is how India became the homeland of three great religious systems which wielded tremendous influence during all the subsequent centuries and brought peace to mankind, not only in India but also in lar distant countries. By the reaction of one religion on another, all the three religious systems became modified and more and more dignified and elevated, and the harsh and oruel elements in each were toned down by force of the very rivalry that existed among them.
In this brochure & translation is given of the short work recently composed by Muni Nyaya vijayaji in Sanskrita, entitled, the Vira Vibhuti, or The Grandeur of Vira. This work (in fifty eight verses ) gives in a nut-shell the story of the life of Mahavira as preserved in the Shvatambara tradition. He has also made an attempt to lay special stress on such anegdotes from His life as have a bearing on the problems of present day society, and has described most vividly the method followed by Mahavira in His life and the ideala first set up by Him. lu Muni Nyaya vijayaji's own words,
Ahol Shrutgyanam