Every one longs for happiness and strives one's best for it. People in the world, however appear unhappy. How is it that the world is miserable in spite of its efforts for happiness ? This question is very easy to be solved. It is evident that a desired object is inaccessible, or difficult to be attained, unle 88 proper means are secured. Desired objects require proper requisites to be fulfilled. If we wish for happiness, we should at first realize the way to its attainment. But it must be borne in mind that only realization or perception of means will not be sufficient. Nothing can be accomplished by means of knowledge only. Knowledge should be put into practice. Then and then ouly the desired object can be attained. If we compare our life to a vebicle, it wants indispensably the two wheels: knowledge and praotice. Then its progress is possible, not othar. wise. So we should, in short, understand that the key to succegg or rise lies in the co-operation of right knowledge and right conduct..
We should now know as to the above question that will-power, proper perseverance, honesty and good character-these requisites unfailingly lead to happinese. These are the only means upon which our happiness-true bappiness is de pendant. This is the very truth which is a redeemer of us, ia case We resort to it. It is the only way which leads us forward high and high; takes us in a regular
Ahol Shrutgyanam