manner to a high spirit, a higher path and the highest point, on reaching which a man becomes able enough to accomplish his supreme welfare, to attain the highest summit of spiritual elevation.
In the three parts this brochure gives such advice as may be useful to all. In the first part is expla. ined the universality of Dharme which deserves to be attended to, especially during the time made turbulent by the quarrels of the religionists who con. sider their religions to be diverse and mutually opposite. Dharma, really speaking, is one and the eams in its real nature, and equally beneficial to the whole universe. Tbe ruling-systems of the diverse rulers or kings of diverse states may be diverse; but God is not 80, He is one (from an aspect* ), then how is it that His ruling or advice which is called Dharma, may be diverse ?
This truth, I believe, being properly understood, all religious quarrels shall have to cease in the long run.
In the scoond part, there is described in a aut-shell the importance of the first Ashrama (Brahmacharya Ashrama) which is the foundation of the remaining Ashramas, which is the source of joy
* Let me here consider awhile from the aspect of Jainism:
Though the emancipated souls endowed with infinite knowledge, infinite power and infinite bliss, who are innumerable, are all Gods, never-the-less they all, in the disembodied state, are so combined or merged mutually as do water and water or fight and light. From this point of view to call them as one (one God), is not objectionable. If we consider the case of the embodied omniscient who are entirely equal to the disembodi. ed souls in the manifestation of knowledge, power and purity, the souls of them are all pure and perfect alike. So, from this stand-point, if they also are called as one God. it too may be congruous.
Ahol Shrutgyanam