tingly and unwarrantedly trying to meet the East, which hag & glorious civilization and a luminous culture of its own.
Highly inspiring indeed is this little book JivanaHitam; and I earnestly request all young men and women of India to go through and study it sincerely and conscientiously; and to learn by heart Eome of the magical persee, if possible. This little book will surely serve as a pocket-dictionary not of the words of language, but of the words of the right religion.
I feel myself fortubate enough, to first come in contact, though accidently, with this great and good Jaina Muni, a few days ago. He is, though great and learned, social beyond measure with all. He has an absorbent personality about bim; and his ever laughing face charms both young and old, great and small. His motto in life seems to be, " Plain living and high thinking." Unfatho mable indeed is bis learning and marvellously inspiring indeed is bis preaching, which is perfectly non-sectarian, and which embraces in full measura all religions of the world.
Before row, Munishri Nyå yavijayaji had Lublished pany religious books, some among thero stand on as high an altar as do the BhagawadGeeta and the Rama-Gecia of the Hindus.
I would like all persons and especially my young brethren of India to etuly the philosophy of ibis great Jaina Muni, becausi
“ Religion, if in heavenly Truth attired, Needs only to be seen to be admired,"
[Couper ]. Mohanlal B. Shab, B. A.,
Soni Falia, Kadod, (Di-t. Surat), 19 th May, '37.
Ahol Shrutgyanam