लेश्या - कोश पर विद्वानों की सम्मति
अगला भाग
प्रज्ञाचक्षु पं० सुखलालजी संघवी, अहमदाबाद लेश्या कोश के प्रारंभिक ३४ पृष्ठों को पूरा सुन गया हूँ। अपेक्षा के अनुसार ही देखा है, पर उसका पूरा ख्याल आ गया है। प्रथम तो यह बात है कि एक व्यापारी फिर भी अस्वस्थ तबीयतवाला इतना गहरा श्रम करे और शास्त्रीय विषयों में पूरी समझ के साथ प्रवेश करे यह जैन समाज के लिये आश्चर्य के साथ खुशी का विषय है। आपने कोशों की कल्पना को मूर्त बनाने का जो संकल्प किया है वह और भी आश्चर्य तथा आनन्द का विषय है । इतना बड़ा भारी जवाबदेही का काम निर्विघ्न पूरा हो-यही कामना है ।
Dr. A. N. Upadhye, M. A. D. Litt., Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
"I have read the major portion of this KOSA. You are to be congratulated on having brought out a valuable source book on the Lesya Doctrine. I appreciate your methodology and have all praise for the pains you have taken in collecting and systematically presenting the material. Such works really advance the cause of Jainological studies. Please accept my greetings on this useful work and convey the same to your colleagues who have collaborated with you in this project. Such Kosas for 'PUDGAL' etc. would be welcome in the interest of the progress of Jainological studies."
Dr. P. L. Vaidya, M. A. D. Litt., Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona.
"I am very grateful to you for your sending me a copy of your book ‘Lesya-Kosa’. I have read a goodly portion of it and am deeply impressed by your methodical work on an important topic of Lesya in Jain. Philosophy. All students of Jain Literature and Philosophy would surely be grateful to you for your having placed in their hand a work of tremendous utility.”
Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterjee, National Professor of India, Calcutta.
"I am not a student of Philosophy, much less of Jain Philosophy. But I have learnt a lot from your work, which is very thorough study, with a wealth of quotations from both Prakrita and Sanskrita, on the concept of Lesya. This, as it would appear, is not known in Brahmanical and Buddhistic philosophy. I did not know anything about it before I got your
"Aho Shrutgyanam"