king of Cutchba, 10. Sister's son of the king of Marwar, and 11 uncle of the Chaulukya King. They delighted so much in gambling that even if there died in their house father, mother, wife or son, they went on gambling without any sorrow. 2 Sadraka won his empire through gambling. 3
Four sects are given as advocates of the principle of slaughter,
1. कौल advocating unrestrained use of Hesh and wine. 2. कापालिक preaching cannibalism i, e. eating fresh of a man in the scull of a sobie man. 3. रहमाण Dhanika says there is no sin in eating flesh. 4 घटचटक who preaches that one who forces the soul from the prison of the body, attains the highest goal. Nastika says there is no soul, and there is no sin in killing a man. Therein lies religious merit. This is the doctrine of Bphaspati.5
On festive cccasions the citizens had to water the highroad of the Market, and decorate the shops with pearl-necklaces and beautiful clothes. They had to put golden pots at prominent places and the courtezans used to dance on decorated platforms. 6
(1) एस मेवाढनिवदिकुमारो । एस सुरवाहिवसहोदरो । एस चंदावदीपदी । एस नड्डुलनरिंदनत्तुओ। एस गुद्दहरायभायनंदणो । एस धाराहिरायमागिणिजो।
एस सायंभरीभूवालमादुलगो । एस कुंकणाहिववेमाउओ । एस कच्छभूमीभुयंगसालओ । एस मरुमण्डलाखंडलदुहिदानंदणो । एस पुण चालुक्कनिवजणयमादुगो । IV p. 80
(2) जइ मरइ घरे जणओ वा पणइणी व पुत्तो वा ।
तहवि इमे मह सेवं न मुयंति करंति य न सोयं ॥ IV. 12 (3) मज्झ पसाएणं पिय सुद्दयदेवेण वीरपवरेण ।
निजियरिउचक्केणं एगच्छत्तं कयं रजं ॥ IV-29 (4) Principles of this or a similar sect are given in the yřtti of the first verse of the Nandi Sutra.
(5) खजइ मंसं अणुदिणु पिजइ मजं च मुक्कसंकप्पं ।
अणिवारियमणपसरो एसो धम्मो मए दिहो । उत्तमपुरिसकवाले मुंजई जो पुरिसजंगलं निचं । सो पावह सिवठाणं इय नरकावालिणा कहियं ॥ जइ पिजह गोच्छोरं पलासणे तय नत्थि सो दोसो । इत्थ य लिंगियवहणे धम्मो दिहु त्ति धणिएण ॥ तणुगुत्तिहरा जीयं पिहगं जो कुणइ धम्मिओ कहवि । सो पावह परमगई इय घडचडगेण दंसिओ धम्मो । जीवो नत्थि न कस्सवि हिंसिजह जंपि तंपि नहु पावं ।
पुन्नं नहु इय धम्मो सुरगुरुणा पयडिओ भुवणे ॥ IV-22-26 (6) पौराः कुर्युर्विपणिपदवीमस्तपांशु पयोभि
मुक्ताहारै चिरवसनैहटशोभां विदथ्युः ।
"Aho Shrutgyanam"