expressed. This prana is the energy by which one-pointedness of mind and intuitive knowledge can be experienced. It holds the intelligent energy of the soul, which abides in the heart. By enhancing this prana, the yogis reach the soul. In the Brihadaranyaha Upanishad (3:7:16), it is said:
यः प्राणे तिष्ठन् प्राणादन्तरो यं प्राणो न वेद यस्य प्राणः शरीरं । यः प्राणमन्तरो यमत्येष त आत्मान्तर्याम्यमृतः ॥
The intelligent soul is placed in prana, inside the prana, it pervades the prana, yet the non-intelligent are unaware of it. Prana itself has become the body of the chief master, who controls it from the inside. Thus the soul is immutable, indestructible and immortal.
Prana is the guide and medium for realization of the soul. When meditating on the heart centre, the identification with prana is most intense; one feels as if one has become prana.
Indications of imbalance: When the pathways of prana are not clear, the heart and lungs malfunction and there is poor intake of oxygen. At the mental level, one is not able to bring in positive impressions. It is difficult to concentrate or access intuitive knowledge.
Physical level: Apana is the second prana, which operates in the pelvic region between the navel and the perineum. It sustains the functions of the kidneys, bladder, bowels, excretory and reproductive organs. It is responsible for the expulsion of gas, wind, faeces, urine, semen and ova. It nourishes the foetus and expels it from the uterus at the time of birth. Apana is experienced in the form of light particles moving downwards from the navel to the perineum. Due to the presence of the earth and water elements in this region, apana is felt as a heavy force.
Subtle level: Apana brings energy down through the koshas. Swadhisthana and mooladhara chakras are within the range of apana. By realizing apana, these chakras are