regard to the functions of the body; however, they function more homogeneously in the subtler levels of mind and consciousness, where their distinction is qualitative rather than physical. In this context, the yogic texts often differ in their description of the five pranas and their locations. This should not confuse the practitioner. One should remember that the energy body is comprehended in the realm of experience, where the boundaries are neither black nor white. The key is to continue honing one's own experience.
Sthoola prana
Physical level: Prana is the first of the pancha pranas. This prana is also known as sthoola (gross) prana to differentiate it from the all-pervasive vital force. Sthoola prana refers to the energy currents located in the thoracic region between the diaphragm and the base of the neck. It is the centre of circulation of life energy. This force maintains the heart and lungs, and all the activities in the chest region such as breathing, swallowing and circulation of blood. When the rate of breath or heartbeat increases due to strenuous work, etc. the level of sthoola prana also increases. This force is so essential that if its activity is obstructed or ceases for any reason, death may occur.
Sthoola prana is experienced in the form of light particles moving upwards in the chest region. Among the fivefold pranas, it occupies the pivotal position and controls the other four. Pranayama in particular raises the level of this prana and prevents congestion of blood in the arteries around the heart. When sthoola prana is strong, the heart does not become weak; one does not suffer from high or low blood pressure, and thus lives longer.
Subtle level: At the level of mind, prana is responsible for the intake of impressions and ideas. Prana energizes all the koshas and is active all the time. It pervades the region from anahata up to vishuddhi chakra. When the force of prana is strong and flowing uninterruptedly, purer qualities of the heart, such as strength, courage and greatness are