Mantra - subtle sound or combinations of sound vibrations revealed
to sages in deep meditation, used for liberating consciousness
from the limitations of mundane awareness Mantra siddhi - the accomplishment, knowledge or power achiev
ed through mantra sadhana Matra - syllable of a mantra; unit of time, rhythm or beat Maya - cause of the phenomenal world; illusion Moola prakriti— the transcendental basis of physical nature; original
source of all evolution Mooladhara chakra - lowest psychic/pranic centre in the human
body; base storehouse of prana shakti Mrityu - death; one of three ailments suffered due to amrita
consumption Mudra - lit. 'gesture'; physical, mental and psychic attitude which
expresses and channels cosmic energy Nada - subtle sound vibration heard in the meditative state Nada Brahma - attunement with the primordial sound vibration Nada yoga - the yoga of subtle sound Nadi - flow; subtle channel of energy in the pranic body Naga - one of the sub-pranas, responsible for belching and
hiccuping Nasikagra - tip of the nose Nauli kriya - practice of rotating the abdominal muscles; one of
the shatkarmas Nishpatti - completion Niyama - rule; the second limb of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga
comprising five rules or observances of behaviour, viz. shaucha (purity), santoska (contentment), tapas (austerity or penance), swadhyaya (self-study), and Ishwara pranidhana (dedication to
the highest principle) Ojas - vitality; subliminal sexual energy; kundalini shakti Om - or 'Aum', bija mantra of ajna chakra; the universal cosmic
mantra representing the four states of consciousness Omkara - the sound of Om Pancha bhutas - the five gross elements, viz. ether (akasha), air
(vayu), fire (agni), water (apas) and earth (prithvi) Pancha koshas - the five sheaths, bodies or realms of experience
and existence Pancha prana - five major divisions of pranic energy located in
the physical body, viz. apana, prana, samana, udana, vyana