Pancha vayus
five minor pranas, viz. krikara, devadatta, dhananjaya, naga and koorma, responsible for such actions as sneezing, yawning, decomposition, belching and blinking respectively
Para Brahman - absolute, supreme reality Paramatman - cosmic soul or consciousness; supreme Spirit Parichaya - familiarity
Pashinee mudra - lit. 'folded psychic attitude'; a mudra performed in an inverted posture to induce pratyahara and bring about balance and tranquillity
Patanjali - author of the Yoga Sutras and propounder of ashtanga
yoga; contemporary of Lord Buddha
Payaswini - one of the seven minor nadis, dominant in the right ear Pingala nadi - major nadi beginning on the right side of
mooladhara and twisting up the spine through the chakras to ajna, conducting the dynamic prana shakti; governs the right side of the body and left side of the brain; associated with externalized awareness; also called surya nadi
Pitta - one of the three doshas; bile
Prana - vital energy force, essence of life permeating the whole of creation, both the macrocosmos and the microcosmos; one of the pancha pranas, also called sthoola prana
Prana nigraha - control of prana
Prana shakti - the force of prana; vital or solar energy
Prana vidya - knowledge of prana and the ability, through this knowledge, to guide it
Pranamaya kosha - sheath or body of pranic energy
Pranava - another term for the sacred syllable Om, the primal sound vibration
Pranayama - a series of techniques for controlling and expanding
the dimension of prana; fourth limb of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga Prani - a living being
Pranotthana - awakening of the pranas in the different nadis and
Pratyahara - sense withdrawal; fifth limb of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga Prayag - name of a celebrated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers near the town of Allahabad; confluence of ida, pingala and sushumna Prithvi- earth