Kuhu - one of the seven minor nadis, flowing from the throat to
the genitals Kumbhaka - breath retention Kundalini shakti - also referred to as 'kundalini'; potential energy
lying dormant in mooladhara chakra, often referred to as the
'serpent power' Kundalini yoga - path of yoga which awakens the dormant spiritual
force Kunjal kriya - cleansing the stomach by voluntary vomiting using
warm saline water, a form of dhauti (a shatkarma) Koorma - one of the sub-pranas, responsible for opening and
closing the eyes, blinking, and controlling the movement of the
eyelids; one of the minor nadis Lam - bija mantra of mooladhara chakra Laya - dissolution; merging Lila - divine play, pastime; cosmic play of consciousness and
energy; activity of prakriti and its three gunas Loka - plane of existence Madhyama - middle; intermediate Maha - great Mahah loka - one of the seven higher dimensions of consciousness;
plane of saints and siddhas Mahamaya - lit. 'great illusion': a term used to denote the feminine
creative force of the universe Mahamrityunjaya mantra - lit. 'great death conquering mantra';
a sacred and popular Shiva mantra used to generate wellbeing
at all levels Mahaprana - cosmic, universal prana Maharishi - lit. 'great seer'; a great sage or saint Mahashakti - lit. 'great shakti'; a term used for the primordial
feminine force Manas - finite, rational mind, concerned with senses, thought and
counter-thought Manas shakti - mental or lunar energy Mandala - area; pictorial representation; orb; diagram within a
circumference symbolizing the deeper aspects of the human
psyche and capable of invoking cosmic power Manipura chakra - psychic/pranic centre situated behind the navel
in the spinal column, corresponding to the solar plexus Manomaya kosha - sheath or body of mental experience