Japa - continuous repetition of mantra Jada samadhi - state of samadhi in which there is no awareness or
illumination Janah loka - plane of realized beings; one of the seven higher
planes of consciousness Jara - old age; one of three ailments suffered due to amrita
consumption Jatharagni - digestive fire Jihva - tongue, one of the five jnanendriyas (organs of knowledge);
one of the 19 lesser nadis Jiva - individual soul Jnana - true knowledge; wisdom Jnana chakshu - eye of wisdom Jnanendriyas - the five organs of sense perception and knowledge:
ears, eyes, tongue, nose and skin Kalaa - the limiting aspect of Shakti; the manifest universe of time
and space Kalpa taru - wish-fulfilling tree Kanphata - one whose ears are pierced Kapha - one of the doshas; mucus, phlegm Karma - action in the manifest and unmanifest dimension; law of
cause and effect Karmendriyas - five organs of action: hands, feet, vocal cords,
excretory and reproductive organs Kaya sthairyam - practice of absolute steadiness and awareness of
the physical body often performed as a preparation for pra
nayama or meditative states Kevala - sole; pure; spontaneous Kevala kumbhaka - spontaneous breath retention Kilaka - pin Klesha - pain, affliction, suffering; five causes of suffering described
in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, viz. ignorance (airidya), ego or sense of doership (asmita), attraction (raga), aversion (dwesha) and fear
of death (abhinivesha) Krikara - one of the sub-pranas, which induces hunger and thirst Kriya - action; motion; action leading to perfection of knowledge Kriya yoga - practices of kundalini yoga designed to speed up the
evolution of humanity Kshetram - field; sphere of action; trigger point for the activation
of a chakra
Kilako kumbhole; spon