Devadatta - one of the sub-pranas, responsible for causing yawning Devata - illumined form, divinity; the revealed symbol of a mantra Dhananjaya - one of the sub-pranas, responsible for decomposition
of the body after death Dharana - concentration or complete attention; sixth limb of
Patanjali's ashtanga yoga Dhwani - sound Dhyana - meditation; seventh limb of Patanjali's ashtanga yoga Divya chakshu - divine eye Dosha - three humours of the body described in ayurveda: mucus
(kapha), bile (pitta) and wind (vata) Drishti - faculty of seeing Gandhari - one of the seven lesser nadis, flowing from the left eye
to the left big toe Ganga - the river Ganges, the most sacred river in India; another
term for ida nadi Gayatri - famous and sacred vedic mantra suitable for everyone;
vedic goddess, female counterpart of the Sun Ghata - vessel Granthi - psychic knot; three granthis along sushumna nadi hinder
the upward passage of kundalini Gunas - the three qualities of nature: rajas, tamas, sattwa Guru - one who dispels the darkness of ignorance; teacher,
preceptor Ham - bija mantra of vishuddhi chakra Hasta -hand, one of the five organs of action (karmendriya) Hastijihva - one of the seven lesser nadis, flowing from the right
eye to the left big toe Hatha yoga - system of yoga for attaining physical and mental
purity, and balancing the pranas in the body Hreem - seed sound which is tantric equivalent of Om Ida - major nadi beginning on the left side of mooladhara and
twisting up the spine through the chakras to ajna, through which manas shakti or lunar energy flows; governing the left side of the body and right side of the brain; associated with
internalized awareness Ishta devata - one's personal deity Ishwara pranidhana - complete dedication to higher conscious
ness; one of the niyamas, according to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Jagrat - the stage of waking; conscious mind