Bhujanga - serpent Bhuvah - astral plane of existence Bija - seed Bija mantra - seed sound; a basic mantra or vibration Bindu - point; seed Bindu chakra - psychic/pranic centre situated at the top of the
back of the head; centre or source of individual creation from
where psychic vibrations first emanate Bindu visarga - flow of fluid (bindu) secreted at the bindu chakra Brahma - the first god in the cosmic trinity, the Creator; potentiality
of mooladhara chakra Brahma granthi - lit. 'Brahma's knot'; psychic knot in mooladhara
and swadhishthana chakras, symbolizing material and sensual
attachment Brahma nadi - the most subtle pranic flow within sushumna nadi Brahmacharya - self-restraint, celibacy; to abide constantly in
Brahman; one of the yamas, according to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Brahmamuhurta - the time between 4 am and 6 am best suited to
spiritual sadhana Brahman - ever-expanding, limitless consciousness; monistic con
cept of absolute reality Brahmin - of the priestly caste; a person whose life is dedicated to
the study of the Vedas and dispensation of the knowledge of
Brahman Buddhi - higher intelligence, discrimination; intuitive aspect of mind Chaitanya - consciousness Chakra - a psychic/pranic centre in the subtle body; circle, wheel
or vortex; congregation point of the nadis Chakra sharira - body of the chakras Chandra - moon; representing mental energy Chandra nadi - ida nadi Chidakasha - inner space visualized in meditation behind the
closed eyes Chinmaya - supreme intelligence Chitra/chitrini nadi - the second of three energy currents (nadis)
lying within sushumna nadi Chitta - individual consciousness, including the subconscious and
unconscious layers of mind; storehouse of memories or
samskaras Chitta shakti - mental force