Antar - internal Antaranga - internal stage Anuloma - in a natural direction Apana vayu - one of the pancha pranas, moving downwards from
the navel to the perineum in the lower abdominal region,
responsible for elimination and reproduction Aparigraha - non-possessiveness; one of the yamas, according to
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Apas - water Arambha - beginning Ardha - half Ardhanarishwara - tantric symbol of the half-male/half-female
form denoting the two principles of Shiva and Shakti Asana - a steady and comfortable meditative pose; third step of
Patanjali's ashtanga yoga Asteya - honesty; one of the yamas, according to Patanjali's Yoga
Sutras Atma shakti - inherent power in an individual being Atmamaya kosha - sheath of the spirit Atman - the Self beyond mind and body; superconsciousness,
spirit, soul Atmapuri - city of the soul Avastha - state of consciousness or condition of the mind; position Ayama - expansion; dimension Ayurveda - the vedic system of medical diagnosis and treatment Baddha padmasana - locked lotus pose Bahir - external Bahiranga - external stage Bandha - binding; psycho-muscular energy block Basti - yogic enema, one of the shatkarmas Bhairava - name of Lord Shiva in his fierce aspect; state of
consciousness which precedes the ultimate experience of
universal consciousness or Shiva Bhairavi - female counterpart or shakti of Bhairava. Bhrumadhya - trigger point for ajna chakra located at the eyebrow
centre Bhu - earth Bhu samadhi - yogic state achieved through prolonged kumbhaka
where all vital functions appear to have ceased and the yogi stays buried in earth