Aadi - primary Abhinivesha - fear of death; one of the five kleshas described by
Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras Adhama - inferior Agni - fire; god of fire and purification Ahimsa - absence of violence from within; one of the yamas,
according to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Ajapa japa - continuous, spontaneous repetition of mantra;
meditation practice in which mantra is coordinated with the
breath Ajna chakra - psychic/pranic centre or vortex situated at the
medulla oblongata on the top of the spinal column, corresponding to the pineal gland; seat of intuition; psychic centre where
guru's commands are received Akasha - ether, space Akshara - letter, form; sounds which do not die; imperishable Alambusha - one of the seven lesser nadis, flowing from the anus
to the mouth Amrita - nectar which bestows immortality Anahad nada - unstruck sound reverberating throughout the
universe; transcendental, cosmic sound experienced in the
highest state of meditation Anahata chakra - psychic/pranic centre or vortex situated in the
region of the cardiac plexus Anandamaya kosha - sheath or body of bliss Angula - a specific measurement, the width of one finger Annamaya kosha - sheath or body of matter; the physical body