While exhaling, imagine the breath moving down the tube from the throat to the navel. Continue with this practice for some time. Now, with inhalation, mentally repeat the mantra So, and with exhalation repeat the mantra Ham. Alternatively, the guru mantra may also be synchronized with the breath.
Practise for 5-10 minutes. Practice note: The rotation of ujjayi breath in the psychic
passage creates a link between the mind and body. Therefore, the consciousness should also ascend and descend along the psychic pathway with the breath. Soham is the mantra of the breath. While inhaling the breath makes the sound So, and while exhaling it makes the sound Ham. One may first repeat the mantra mentally, but one will be able to hear the sound in the breath as the concentration deepens.
Technique 6: in the spinal psychic passage
Prepare for the practice in the same manner as above. Visualize the thin silver or transparent tube in the spinal column, joining mooladhara and ajna chakras. With each inhalation the breath and awareness ascend from mooladhara to ajna. With each exhalation the breath and awareness descend from ajna to mooladhara. Continue with this practice for some time. Now, with inhalation, mentally repeat the mantra So, and with exhalation repeat the mantra Ham. Alternatively, the guru mantra may also be synchronized with the breath.
Practise for 5-10 minutes. Practice note: The yogic scriptures say that the mantra of the
breath should be practised in the 'pathway to heaven'. This pathway is the sushumna nadi, located in the spinal cord. When this path is perfected immortal life is experienced. Its starting point is below the tail bone at