mooladhara chakra, which symbolizes earth. The top of the spinal cord ends directly behind the eyebrow centre, at ajna chakra, which is called the gateway to heaven. Rotation of the ujjayi breath and the mantra in this passage is a powerful meditative technique.
Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath) The word bhramar means 'bee'. This practice is so called because the practitioner imitates the same deep, low pitched humming sound as that of the black bee. It is used in nada yoga to awaken awareness of the inner psychic sounds.
Technique 1: basic method
Sit in a comfortable meditation asana with the hands resting on the knees in jnana or chin mudra. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. The jaws should be relaxed with the lips gently closed and the teeth slightly separated. This allows the sound vibration to be heard and felt more distinctly. Raise the arms sideways and bend the elbows, bringing the hands to the ears. Use the index fingers to close the flaps of the ears. Bring the awareness to the centre of the head, where ajna chakra is located, and keep the body absolutely still. Inhale through the nose.