Once the bandhas can be held without strain, gradually
build up the number of rounds. Contra-indications: Those suffering from heart disease should
not combine bandhas or breath retention with ujjayi. People who are too introverted by nature should not perform ujjayi. Anyone with low blood pressure must first
correct the condition before taking up the practice. Benefits: Ujjayi is classified as a tranquillizing pranayama,
but it also has a heating effect, stimulating the process of oxidation. This practice soothes the nervous system, calms the mind and increases psychic sensitivity. It has a profoundly relaxing effect at the psychic level. It helps to relieve insomnia and may be practised in shavasana just before sleep, but without khechari mudra. It slows down the heart rate and lowers high blood pressure.
Bindu Ajna
Manipura Swadhisthana Mooladhara
Technique 5: in the frontal psychic passage
Sit in any comfortable posture. Practise ujjayi with khechari mudra. Visualize a thin silver or transparent tube, connecting the navel to the throat, along the frontal part of the body. While inhaling, imagine the breath moving along this passage from the navel to the throat.