esses responsible for cellular revitalization and longevity. If khechari mudra is correctly practised in conjunction with ujjayi over a long period of time, the bindu and vishuddhi chakras are stimulated, so that the special secretion formed in bindu is purified by vishuddhi, bestowing rejuvenation to the entire body. Sant Kabir says about this process: "When this nectar is tasted, all fears, diseases, guilt and ignorance are burned way. Then, one will shine from within like the full moon night." Normally when one closes the eyes, one sees darkness. But if one closes the eyes when the nectar is flowing, one will see only light. The whole brain and consciousness are illumined. This is the aim of practising ujjayi with khechari.
Technique 3: with antar kumbhaka (inner retention)
Practise ujjayi with khechari mudra. The inhalation and exhalation should be smooth and controlled. Inhale slowly and deeply with ujjayi. Retain the breath inside with awareness at ajna or bindu.
The ujjayi exhalation should be as long as is comfortable. Practice note: Avoid strain when performing kumbhaka.
Initially one or two seconds is sufficient. The duration may be increased gradually as the technique is mastered. Inner retention helps to develop introversion and concentration.
Technique 4: with jalandhara and moola bandhas
Inhale with ujjayi. Retain the breath. Practise jalandhara bandha for a comfortable duration. Release jalandhara and exhale with ujjayi. Inhale with ujjayi. Retain the breath. Practise jalandhara and moola bandhas, holding the breath inside for a comfortable duration. Release moola bandha, then jalandhara bandha and exhale with ujjayi