the opening of the nostril. The side of the nose should not be forced into the septum, because the pressure on the nerves inside the nostrils may compete with the effect that the flow of air is meant to have on the nerves in the opposite nostril.
Beginner's level The following two techniques of nadi shodhana may be practised by everyone and are used to maintain the balance of body and mind in daily life as well as in therapeutic situations.
Technique 1: preparatory practice Stage 1: Sit in any comfortable meditation posture, preferably
siddhasana, siddha yoni asana or padmasana. Keep the head and spine upright. Relax the whole body and close the eyes. Practise yogic breathing for some time. Adopt nasagra mudra with the right hand and place the left hand on the knee in chin orjnana mudra. Close the right nostril with the thumb. Inhale and exhale through the left nostril 5 times, keeping the respiration rate normal. Be aware of each breath. After completing 5 breaths release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril and press the left nostril with the ring finger, blocking the flow of air. Inhale and exhale through the right nostril 5 times, keeping the respiration rate normal. Lower the hand and breathe through both nostrils together 5 times, keeping the respiration rate normal. This is one round. Practise 5 rounds. The breathing should be silent. Practise this stage until it is mastered, before commencing the next stage.