Stage 2: Begin to control the duration of each breath.
Breathe deeply without strain. Count the length of the inhalation and exhalation through the left, right and both nostrils. While inhaling, count mentally, "1, Om; 2, Om; 3, Om", until the inhalation ends comfortably. While exhaling, count, "1, Om; 2, Om; 3, Om". Inhalation and exhalation should be equal. Practise 5 rounds.
The breathing should be silent. Practice note: The length of the breath will spontaneously
increase after some days of practice. When the count
reaches 10 without any strain, go on to technique 2. Contra-indications: One should not practise while suffering
from colds, flu or fever. Benefits: Increases awareness of and sensitivity to the breath
in the nostrils. Minor blockages are removed and the flow of breath in both nostrils becomes more balanced, activating both brain hemispheres. The long, slow, balanced breathing of stage 2 has profound effects, calming and balancing the energies.
Technique 2: with alternate nostril breathing In this technique the basic pattern of alternate nostril breathing is established. Stage l: Begin with equal inhalation and exhalation, using
the ratio 1:1. Close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale through the left nostril. At the same time count mentally, "1, Om; 2, Om; 3, Om", until the inhalation ends comfortably. This is the basic count. Breathe deeply without strain. Close the left nostril with the ring finger and release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril. While exhaling through the right nostril, simultaneously count, "1, Om; 2, Om; 3, Om". The length of inhalation and exhalation should be equal.