to remove nasal obstruction, if one of the nostrils is blocked, the practitioner should perform jala neti or breath-balancing exercises before commencing the practice. In the advanced stages, sometimes bhastrika pranayama is practised before nadi shodhana to facilitate longer retention. The best time to practise is around sunrise, although one may practise at any lime during the day, except after meals.
Hand position: Nasagra/Nasikagra Mudra (nosetip position) The following hand position is used during nadi shodhana pranayama to facilitate the smooth opening and closing of the nostrils required for alternate nostril breathing.
Technique: Raise the right hand in front of the face. Place the tips of the index and middle fingers gently on the eyebrow centre. Both fingers should be relaxed. Hold the thumb just above the right nostril and the ring finger just above the left.
These two fingers control the flow of BSYS
breath in the nostrils by alternately
pressing one nostril, blocking the flow of breath, then releasing and pressing the other. The little finger is placed beside the ring finger. When practising for long periods, the right elbow may be supported in the palm of the left hand, although care is needed to keep the head, neck and back straight in
order to prevent chest restriction. Practice note: While blocking a nostril,
the finger is placed gently on the outside of the nostril or underneath Variation