Lying on the side
To increase the flow of breath in the right nostril, lie on the left side. The right knee should be bent, touching the floor, with the right foot tucked behind the left knee. To increase the flow in the left nostril, practise lying on the right side.
Alternate nostril breathing
Sit in a comfortable meditative asana. Become aware of the flow of breath in the nostrils. In order to increase the flow of breath in the right nostril, inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right. To increase the flow in the left nostril, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left. Practise for 5-10 minutes, observing the change in the swara.
Acupuncture point
Sit in any comfortable position. Pinch the fleshy portion of the hand between the thumb and index finger until you find a point which gives a slightly painful sensation. To open the right nostril, press the point on the right hand, and on the left hand for the left nostril. Maintain steady pressure or gently massage this point for
5-10 minutes. Practice note: This technique applies pressure to the acu
puncture meridian relating to the large intestine, which runs through the point described to the respective nostril.