In order to increase the flow of breath in the left nostril, place a yoga danda (T-shaped stick) under the right armpit, so that it creates a slight pressure under the arm. To increase the flow in the right nostril, the danda is placed under the left armpit. Adjust the pressure under the armpit to increase or
decrease the flow in the nostril accordingly. Practice note: This practice requires a yoga danda, long
enough to fit snugly under the armpit, when seated in a meditative posture.
Variation: two dandas
Place one danda under each arm. Alter the pressure under the armpit by leaning the body slightly to the right or left, as required, to maintain the balanced flow.
Practise for as long as necessary. Practice note: This practice requires the use of two dandas
or, alternatively, one danda may be moved from the right to the left armpit to adjust the flow in the nostrils as required. The use of a yoga danda has the added advantage of giving support to the body during extended periods of meditation or pranayama, although this should not be depended upon.