Mental control of swara
Sit in a comfortable meditative asana. Become aware of the breath in the nostrils. If the flow in the left nostril is stronger, concentrate on the breath flowing in the right nostril. This may be assisted by visualization. After some time, the flow of breath in the right nostril will increase. The breath flow in the left nostril may also be increased in
the same way. Practice note: This technique should be regarded as an
experiment in mental control over the body. The concentration required to produce this effect could be used more constructively in other techniques.
Prana Mudra Pranayama (invocation of energy) Prana mudra pranayama develops the awareness of the seven chakras: mooladhara, swadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, ajna and sahasrara, and the subtle movement of energy associated with their activation. This practice is also known as shanti mudra, or attitude of peace. This attitude of the whole being is one of supplication to receive the radiations of the sun and the heavens, both physical and imaginary. It can be practised at sunrise, facing the sun, if desired. However, this is unnecessary because the practice actually awakens the prana shakti from within. Prana mudra develops personal strength, confidence and an inner glow of health. It is an excellent pre-meditative technique, but can also be performed at any time.
Technique Stage 1: Sit in a comfortable meditative pose. Make sure the
spine and head are in a straight line. Close the eyes and place the hands in the lap in bhairava mudra. Exhale as deeply as possible, contracting the abdominal muscles to expel the maximum amount of air from the lungs.