Balancing the swara During the natural oscillation of the breath between the left and right nostrils, relating to ida and pingala nadis, a balanced flow through both nostrils exists only for a matter of minutes. However, this period of balance can be extended by altering the breath in the nostrils, so that they remain equalized. The following techniques influence the breath flow to bring about this balance. Alternatively, these practices may be used to increase the flow of breath in either nostril, depending on whether one requires more vital energy (right nostril) or mental energy (left nostril).
The body and mind have their own self-regulating mechanisms. One should not assume that because one works at a desk all day, the left nostril should remain dominant during that time. Sometimes, however, one becomes locked into a state of ongoing mental turmoil (left nostril), or competition and aggression (right nostril). At such times, these techniques may be used to change the dominant swara and divert the energies. Mostly these methods are applied during spiritual practice to maintain a balanced flow in sushumna. At the time of sunrise and sunset either the left or right nostril becomes dominant, depending on the phase of the moon. This is a time of intense swara activity and it is not advised to alter the flows during this period.
Padadhirasana (breath balancing pose)
Sit in vajrasana with the body upright and straight, and the head facing forward. Place each hand under the opposite armpit, with the thumb upward. Close the eyes and breathe normally with awareness of the breath in the nostrils. Continue for 5-10 minutes. This may be practised for extended periods of time for spiritual purposes.