Become aware of the breath at the nostrils. Continue breath awareness with nasikagra drishti for approximately 5 minutes. Now close the eyes and be aware of the breath entering and leaving the nostrils. Imagine a fine membrane at the entrance of the nostrils over which the air passes as it enters and leaves the body. Continue the awareness of the breath flowing over this interface. Now extend the awareness beyond the nostrils and visualize different movements made by the breath in the air outside the nostrils upon inhalation and exhalation. While breathing out feel the outer air being displaced by the expelled air. While breathing in feel the outer air being drawn inside the nostrils. Maintain this awareness for a few minutes, keeping the breath silent. Slowly make the breath lighter. This should not involve any tension or constriction of the nasal passages. Apply less force and extend the duration of the breath. Feel the breath simply entering and leaving the body, effortlessly and soundlessly The breathing should become so light that it feels as if there is no disturbance of the air beyond the nostrils during either inhalation or exhalation. At this point the breath will be completely silent. The experience at the mental level will be that of ahasha (space). Continue soundless breathing and feel the mind becoming silent and calm. Get ready to end the practice. Gradually return to body awareness. Switch back to normal breathing. Slowly open the eyes.