Yoga Exercises for the Eyes
Many people wear spectacles or contact lenses to improve their vision. Glasses, however, do not actually cure bad eyesight. In fact, eye problems frequently get worse through their use, necessitating ever more powerful lenses.
Factors which contribute to bad eyesight are: artificial and bad lighting, prolonged television or video watching, poor diet, muscle inefficiency due to prolonged hours of office work and study, mental and emotional tension, toxic condition of the body and ageing.
Solving the problem of lighting is fairly straightforward. Diet, however, is more complex and it affects not only the health of the eyes but of the whole body. Simplifying the diet and avoiding heavy, indigestible, oily, spicy foods as well as tinned, processed, pre-packed and junk foods will help rectify poor vision. A vegetarian diet is also recommended or, at least, a reduction of non-vegetarian food.
Contrary to popular belief, long periods of reading do not damage the eyes providing the mind and eyes are relaxed whilst doing so. If there is tension, then even a short period of reading can strain the eyes. Try to develop the ability to read with relaxed awareness and a good posture. Before starting to read, if mental or muscular tension is experienced in the eyes, perform shashankasana for a few minutes. This asana will do much to calm the mind and relax the eyes.
Try to depend less on the use of glasses. Use them only when it is absolutely necessary. Leave them off during leisure time whenever possible. This will help the eyes to adjust and start functioning normally.