The habit of walking with bare feet on the grass, sand or bare earth, either early in the morning or around sunset, is claimed to have a relaxing and beneficial effect on the eyes. This is due to the reflex connections between the soles of the feet and the visual areas of the brain. It is especially recommended where the feet are often in restrictive footwear.
Another exercise recommended for relaxing the eye muscles is to stand with the feet shoulder width apart in front of a wide open space. Shift the weight of the body onto one side, raise the opposite heel off the ground, then swing back and forth for a few minutes while gazing into the distance, allowing the eyes to relax.
Gazing at the rising sun during the first 15 degrees of its trajectory from the horizon is highly recommended. After gazing for a few minutes, close the eyes and become aware of the after image. Keeping the spine straight, begin to perform pawanmuktasana part 1, practice 17, stage 3. Look over each shoulder from side to side, keeping the eyes closed. At the same time, follow the after image as it moves back and forth through the field of inner vision, from centre to periphery and back again. Practise palming.
A simple sun bath may also be taken while facing the rising or setting sun. The eyes should be closed. Feel the ultra-violet rays soothing and relaxing the eyes.
Therapeutic yoga exercises: Excluding diseases such as glaucoma, trachoma and cataract, the most common disorders today are related to functional defects in the ocular muscles exacerbated by chronic mental and emotional tension. The following simple exercises help to alleviate various disorders related to the malfunctioning of the eye muscles such as short and long-sightedness, presbyopia and squint.
The eye exercises should be practised regularly with patience and perseverance. Do not expect instant cure or improvement. It takes years for the eyes to become defective; it will also take time, a few months or more, before noticeable progress will be made. However, improvement will come as it has to many people who have adopted a yogic way of life and gradually reduced the power of their glasses.