Practice 2: Chakra Padasana (leg rotation) Stage I: Lie in the base position.
Raise the right leg 5 cm from the ground, keeping the knee straight. Rotate the entire leg clockwise 10 times in as large a circle as possible. The heel should not touch the floor at any time during the rotation. Rotate 10 times in the opposite direction. Repeat with the left leg. Do not strain. Rest in the base position introducing abdominal breathing
until the respiration returns to normal. Stage 2: Raise both legs together.
Keep them together and straight throughout the practice. Rotate both legs clockwise and then anti-clockwise 3 to 5 times.
The circular movement should be as large as possible. Breathing: Breathe normally throughout the practice. Awareness: On the mental counting of each round, rotation
of the leg(s) and on the effects of the asana on the hips and
abdomen. Benefits: Good for hip joints, obesity, toning of abdominal
and spinal muscles.