Practice 3: Pada Sanchalanasana (cycling) Stage I: Lie in the base position.
Raise the right leg. Bend the knee and bring the thigh to the chest. Raise and straighten the leg completely. Then, lower the straight leg in a forward movement. Bend the knee and bring it back to the chest to complete the cycling movement. The heel should not touch the floor during the movement. Repeat 10 times in a forward direction and then 10 times in reverse.
Repeat with the left leg. Breathing: Inhale while straightening the leg.
Exhale while bending the knee and bringing the thigh to
the chest. Stage 2: Raise both legs.
Practise alternate cycling movements as though peddling a bicycle.
Practise 10 times forward and then 10 times backward. Breathing: Breathe normally throughout. Stage 3: Raise both legs and keep them together throughout
the practice. Bring the knees as close as possible to the chest on the backward movement and straighten the legs fully on the