Vajroli Mudra (for men)/Sahajoli Mudra (for women)
(thunderbolt/spontaneous psychic attitude) Sit in siddha/siddha yoni asana, or any comfortable meditation posture with the head and spine straight. Place the hands on the knees in chin or jnana mudra. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Take the awareness to the urethra. Inhale, hold the breath in and try to draw the urethra upward. This muscle action is similar to holding back an intense urge to urinate. The testes in men and the labia in women should move slightly due to this contraction. Try to focus and confine the force of the contraction at the urethra. Bending a little forward during the contraction helps to isolate this point. Hold the contraction for as long as comfortable. Exhale, while releasing the contraction and relax.
Practise twice more. Duration: Hold the contraction for as long as is comfortable,
starting with a few seconds and gradually increasing. Begin with 3 contractions and slowly increase up to 10 or 15
rounds. Awareness: Physical - on the isolation of the point of con
traction in relation to the genitals, avoiding generalised contraction of the pelvic floor which occurs spontaneously.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Time of practice: This mudra may be practised at any time,
preferably when the stomach is empty. Contra-indications: Vajroli/sahajoli mudra should not be prac
tised by people suffering from urethritis (infection and inflammation of the urethra) as the irritation and pain
may increase. Benefits: Vajroli/sahajoli mudra regulates and tones the entire
uro-genital system, correcting incontinence and recurrent