urinary tract infections. It also helps overcome psychosexual conflicts and unwanted sexual thoughts. Sahajoli corrects uterine prolapse. Vajroli balances testosterone levels and the sperm count, and gives control over premature ejaculation. It also helps correct impotence by toning the endocrine system and local energy structures. Benign prostatic hypertrophy, a disorder that troubles
80 percent of men in the later part of life, is prevented. Practice note: Isolating the muscles of the urethra takes practise
and patience.
Note: The word vajroli is derived from the Sanskrit root vajra which
means 'thunderbolt', 'lightning' or 'mighty one', and sahajoli from the root sahaj, meaning 'spontaneous' and oli which means 'to cast up' or 'to fly up'. Vajroli is therefore the force which moves upward with the power of lightning and sahajoli is the psychic attitude of spontaneous arousing. Vajra is the name of the nodi which connects the reproductive organs with the brain. For further details refer to the Bihar School of Yoga publication Hatha Yoga Pradipika.