Benefits: This practice strengthens the anal muscles and alle
viates disorders of the rectum such as constipation, piles and prolapse of the uterus or rectum. In such cases, this mudra is most effectively performed in conjunction with an inverted asana, for example, sarvangasana. Perfection of this mudra prevents the escape of pranic energy from the body, redirecting it upward for spiritual
purposes. Practice note: Ashwini mudra is a preparatory practice for
moola bandha. At first it is difficult to confine the muscular contraction to the area of the anus; however, this is overcome with practice. Ashwini mudra may be integrated with any asana. Technique 2 may be integrated with nadi shodhana pranayama, the anal contraction being adopted
during breath retention. Note: The word ashwini means 'horse'. The practice is so-called because
the anal contraction resembles the movement a horse makes with its sphincter immediately after evacuation of the bowels.