Ashwini Mudra (horse gesture) Technique 1: Rapid contraction
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Become aware of the natural breathing process for a few minutes, then take the awareness to the anus. Contract the sphincter muscles of the anus for a few seconds without straining, then relax them for a few seconds. Try to confine the action to the anal area. Repeat the practice for as long as possible. Contraction and relaxation should be performed smoothly and rhythmically. Gradually make the contractions more rapid.
Technique 2: Contraction with Antar Kumbhaka
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Inhale slowly and deeply while simultaneously contracting the anal sphincter muscles. Practise antar kumbhaka (internal breath retention) while holding the contraction of the sphincter muscles. The contraction should be as tight as possible without strain. Exhale while releasing the contraction of the anus. This is one round.
Perform as many rounds as is comfortably possible. Duration: There is no limit to the duration of the practice;
beginners, however, should be careful not to strain their muscles. Increase the duration as the anal muscles become
stronger and more control is developed. Awareness: Physical - on the anus.
Spiritual - on mooladhara chakra. Contra-indications: People suffering from anal fistula should
avoid this practice.