Maha Bheda Mudra (the great separating attitude)
Sit with the legs outstretched. Assume utthan padasana as described for maha mudra. Keep the back straight. Relax the whole body. Do khechari mudra Take a deep breath in. While exhaling, lean forward and clasp the right big toe with both hands. Retain the breath outside and perform jalandhara, uddiyana and moola bandhas. Rotate the awareness successively from the throat, to the abdomen, to the perineum, mentally repeating, 'vishuddhi, manipura, mooladhara'. The awareness should rest on each chakra for only 1 or 2 seconds and then move to the next in a smooth flow. Rotate the awareness in this manner for as long as is comfortable, retaining the breath outside. Release moola bandha, uddiyana and jalandhara. When the head is fully raised, breathe in and return to the upright postion. This is one round. Immediately exhale and commence the next round.