of the body. Impurity is indicated by any symptoms of accumulated toxins such as skin eruptions. As the practice of maha mudra generates a lot of heat it should be avoided
in hot summers. Benefits: By the practice of maha mudra the combined benefits
of shambhavi mudra, moola bandha and kumbhaka are gained. Digestion and assimilation are stimulated and abdominal disorders are removed. Maha mudra stimulates the energy circuit linking mooladhara with ajna chakra. The whole system is charged with prana which intensifies awareness and induces spontaneous meditation. Mental depression is rapidly eliminated by this practice as energy blockages are
removed. Variation: Siddha/siddha yoni asana may be adopted instead
of utthan padasana. Sit with the hands on the knees in jnana or chin mudra and practise in the same way but
without bending forward. Practice note: Before commencing maha mudra, the practi
tioner should be thoroughly proficient in the techniques of shambhavi, khechari, moola bandha and kumbhaka, and have practised them for some time. This practice should not be attempted without expert
guidance. Note: The base position for this mudra is the raja yoga version of