Perform khechari mudra
Take a deep breath in.
While exhaling, bend forward and clasp the right big toe with both hands.
Keep the head erect, and the back as straight as possible, then slowly inhale, tilting the head slightly back. Perform shambhavi mudra and then moola bandha. Hold the breath inside and rotate the awareness from the eyebrow centre, to the throat, to the perineum, mentally repeating, 'ajna, vishuddhi, mooladhara'. The concentration should remain at each chakra for only 1 or 2 seconds.
Continue the rotation for as long as the breath can be comfortably held without straining.
Release shambhavi and moola bandha.
Slowly exhale, returning to the upright position.
This is one round.
Practise 3 rounds with the left leg folded, 3 rounds with the right leg folded, then keep both legs outstretched and again practise 3 rounds.
Breathing: One round is equivalent to one complete inhalation and exhalation. The longer the breath can be retained the better but do not strain the lungs. The length of the breath should be extended gradually over a period of months and years.
Duration: Beginners may practise 3 rounds with each leg and 3 rounds with both legs. This may be slowly increased to a maximum of 12 rounds each. Mentally count each round as the awareness returns to mooladhara at the end of the round.
Sequence: This practice should ideally be followed by either maha bheda mudra or tadan kriya.
Time of practice: Maha mudra is best practised in the early morning while the stomach is completely empty and is especially recommended before meditation practices. Contra-indications: People suffering from high blood pressure or heart complaints should not perform this practice. Maha mudra should not be performed without prior purification