Base position: Utthanpadasana (stretched teg pose) Sit with the legs outstretched.
Bend the left knee and press the left heel firmly into the perineum or vulva, the location point of mooladhara chakra. The right leg remains outstretched.
Place both hands on the right knee.
Adjust the position so that it is comfortable.
Bend forward just enough to be able to clasp the right big toe with both hands.
Hold the position for a comfortable duration.
Return to the upright position with both hands resting on the right knee.
This is one round.
Practise 3 rounds with the left leg folded, 3 rounds with the right leg folded, then keep both legs outstretched and again practise 3 rounds.
Maha Mudra (great psychic attitude)
Sit in utthan padasana with the right leg outstretched.
Keep the back straight.
Relax the whole body.