to mooladhara, in coordination with the breath and the
raising and lowering of the hands. Sequence: Prana mudra is best practised after asana and
pranayama and before meditation, but it may also be
performed at any time. Time of practice: Prana mudra is ideally practised at sunrise,
while facing the sun. Benefits: Prana mudra awakens the dormant prana shakti,
vital energy, and distributes it throughout the body, increasing strength, health and confidence. It develops awareness of the pranic system, the nadis and chakras, and the subtle flow of prana in the body. It instils an inner attitude of peace and equanimity by adopting an external attitude of offering and receiving energy to and from the cosmic source. Prana mudra is also considered to be a pranayama practice which raises prana by encouraging
correct breathing. Practice note: Remember to return the prana to mooladhara
at the end of the practice. Note: This practice is also known as shanti mudra, the peace mudra.