Stage 3: Continue the inhalation by expanding the chest and
raising the hands until they are directly in front of the heart centre. Try to feel the pranic energy being drawn up from
manipura to anahata chakra while inhaling. Stage 4: Draw even more air into the lungs by slightly raising
the shoulders, and feel the prana being drawn up to vishuddhi. Raise the hands to the front of the throat in coordination
with the breath. Stage 5: Retain the breath inside while spreading the arms
out to the sides. In the final position the hands must be level with the ears, the arms outstretched but not straight, and the palms turned upward. Feel the prana spreading like a wave to ajna, bindu and sahasrara chakras. Concentrate on sahasrara chakra and try to visualise an aura of pure light emanating from the head. Feel that the whole being is radiating vibrations of peace to all beings. Retain this position for as long as possible without straining the lungs in any way. Repeat stages 4, 3, 2, 1, and slowly return to the starting position while exhaling. During exhalation, feel the prana progressively descending through each of the chakras until it reaches mooladhara. At the end of exhalation perform moola bandha and concentrate on mooladhara chakra. Then relax the whole body and breathe normally. When the practice has been perfected, visualise the breath as a stream of white light ascending and descending within
sushumna nadi. Breathing: Increase the duration of inhalation, retention and
exhalation slowly.
Be careful not to strain the lungs. Awareness: The awareness should move in a smooth and
continuous flow from mooladhara to sahasrara and back